
Align yourself

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Align yourself


This 2 day event invites participants to align the physical, physiological, emotional, spiritual, and piratical bodies – finding greater peace, harmony, and union within the synchronicity.
pachamama Costa Rica forest jungle spiritual therapy awareness eco village


Vaya (Talia Lia Meizan Nijhuis) received her yoga teacher certification directly from B.K.S. Iyengar in Pune, India. She has practiced Yoga and Vipassana meditation since 1992 after receiving a B.A.… Read more about Vaya


iyengar yoga hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat pachamama Costa Rica spiritual silence stillness presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation Cycle awareness Community village
1st day
9am  – 1pm
2.30 – 5.30pm
2nd day
7am – 8am
9am – 1pm
iyengar yoga hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat pachamama Costa Rica spiritual silence stillness presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation Cycle awareness Community village

This 2 day event invites participants to align the physical, physiological, emotional, spiritual, and piratical bodies – finding greater peace, harmony, and union within the synchronicity.

iyengar yoga hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat pachamama Costa Rica spiritual silence stillness presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation Cycle awareness Community village

The work with the Iyengar yoga method offers meditation in action, grounding, stillness, and centeredness. It is a safe, friendly, and joyous container to integrate what is moving and present.


Reconnect, refresh, realign, and see what is possible in the here and now.

iyengar yoga hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat pachamama Costa Rica spiritual silence stillness presence witness emotional healing emotions awareness Community village

The 2 day event will combine asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), restorative yoga, meditation, free movement, and sharing.


iyengar yoga hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat pachamama Costa Rica spiritual silence stillness presence witness emotional healing emotions awareness Community village

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