The Silent Retreats are the cornerstone of Tyohar’s work, where profound understandings and clarifications are revealed as well as meeting the pure presence within. Days in silence provide a tranquil environment for the deepest inquiry into the truth of one’s being, where one is dissolving into the timeless here and now. In this journey of transformation essential evolution takes place. A Silent Retreat is a unique opportunity to focus solely on the most earnest questions of the heart and to spend some days in silence in a beautiful, natural setting.
The Language of the Soul
A Silent Retreat is a call to focus solely on the most earnest questions of the heart and spend some days in silence in a beautiful, natural setting. Its special power lies in the coming together of seekers in support of one another’s awakening. Participants are asked for a sincere commitment to the standard of the retreat and will remain in absolute silence until the process is brought to completion in the closing circle. A retreat is also a spiritual cleanse on a collective level, an inner shower for all of PachaMama. Non-participants help maintain a meditative atmosphere by refraining from speaking in all public areas in order for the entire village to tune into this frequency. The program includes Satsang with Tyohar twice a day, a daily practice of Yoga as well as various forms of meditation and is concluded with a Sweatlodge down by the river.
The Language of the Soul & Lightness of the Body
In this special retreat, the space of Satsang and meditation is supported by a vegetarian light menu including smoothies, juices, raw foods and super foods. This menu allows the participant to go even deeper by elevating the frequency of the body through light, high vibe foods which in turn helps to achieve a deepening of the meditation. The Silent Retreat also includes daily yoga and other movement meditations.