
The Mycelia Pathways Sacred Altar Charms

New dates coming soon...
The Mycelia Pathways Sacred Altar Charms

fungi queendom remedies and treasures of the earth

This one-day workshop will explore fungi queendom remedies and treasures of the earth to help participants deepen their connection with the natural world, the elements and the inspiration that touches the sacred ways to uplift one's inner sanctuary. 

Ayama Ameyalli

Originally from Israel, Ayama Ameyalli traveled to Costa Rica in 2001, where she discovered PachaMama Eco Village and made it her home, immersing herself in community life. In 2008, Ayama… Read more about Ayama Ameyalli


  • Morning Session: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
  • Afternoon Session: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

For centuries, altar charms have served various cultures as tools to purify and elevate energy into a vibration of prayer and reverence.

Utilizing mushroom remedies, storytelling, and music, the group will invite the creative forces to manifest a clay guardian for our altars and homes.

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