
Waterfall of Music

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Early Bird
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Waterfall of Music

with carioca

Three nights guided by the medicine of the amazon, the songs of the forest, the earth, and the stars…
Medicine Spirit dance music ancestor indigenous Red Road Ceremony Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual forest jungle Community village Meditation altar Carioca Brazil


Carioca Freitas is a Brazilian musician known for blending traditional Brazilian sounds with contemporary styles. From Rio de Janeiro, his music fuses samba, bossa nova, and MPB with jazz, electronic,… Read more about Carioca


Opening Circle – Jan 8th

1st Ceremony – Jan 9th

~ Samasati/Aquarela ~

2nd Ceremony – Jan 11th

~ Umbanda ~

3rd Ceremony – Jan 13th

~ Ciranda Poim Poim ~

Closing Circle – Jan 14th (evening)

Medicine Spirit dance music ancestor indigenous Red Road Ceremony pachamama Costa Rica spiritual forest jungle Community village Meditation altar brazil carioca cura

Carioca is a well-known Brazilian musician and teacher, the founder and inspiration of the White Night work that took place in PachaMama since its birth more than 24 years ago.

Medicine Spirit dance music ancestor indigenous Red Road Ceremony pachamama Costa Rica spiritual forest jungle Community village Meditation altar brazil carioca cura
Medicine Spirit dance music ancestor indigenous Red Road Ceremony Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual forest jungle Community village Meditation altar eco village

Three nights guided by the medicine of the amazon, the songs of the forest, the earth, and the stars. A circle of family coming together inviting healing, harmony, and unity.

Medicine Spirit dance music ancestor indigenous Red Road Ceremony Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual forest jungle Community village Meditation altar eco village

These ceremonies are a part of the community’s spiritual practice. They are a call for meditation and awareness through songs and prayers, exploring the mystery of sound and silence in a unique format, inviting the divine to express itself and the language of nature to be received in its purity. Integration of the forest’s teachings support the journey of life, walking together in harmony and creating a healthy path for the next generations to come.

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