
The Power of Gentleness

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The Power of Gentleness

Yoga Journey into Stillness

This 3-day workshop explores the quality of gentleness towards oneself and others through Yin & Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Meditation.
pachamama Costa Rica forest jungle spiritual therapy awareness

Veda Ela

Veda Ela is passionate about sharing her path of the yogic lifestyle. She has decades years of experience in supporting people getting in touch with their body-mind system to find… Read more about Veda Ela
Restorative yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation awareness Community village dance movement meditation

Difficult times require profound practices based on equanimity and resilience. To help to remain centered, let go of what no longer serves, and act from patience and adaptability.

This 3-day workshop explores the quality of gentleness towards oneself and others through Yin & Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Meditation.

The mornings are very active, and include activities as tension release, conscious movement and dancing.

Restorative yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation awareness Community village dance movement meditation
Hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation awareness Community village dance movement meditation

Restorative yoga is the art of resting to take care of oneself.

Through Yin yoga, this work calls upon the feminine energies within each and everyone, to surrender, be still, and receive.

Within a “Loving Kindness” meditation comes an exploration and practice at the roots of unconditional love.

Yoga Nidra (also called “yogic sleep”) is space to plant the seed of intention, to connect to and call upon the flowers that can blossom in life’s garden

Hatha yoga Yoga meditation silence stillness retreat Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation awareness Community village dance movement meditation


Hatha yoga restorative calligraphy Iyengar meditation silence stillness retreat Pachamama Costa Rica spiritual presence witness emotional healing emotions Transformation awareness Community village dance movement meditation eco village

Morning: 9am – 12.30pm 

Afternoon: 2.30pm – 5.15pm

Times are flexible.


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