pachamama Costa Rica forest jungle spiritual therapy awareness

Veda Ela

Veda Ela is passionate about sharing her path of the yogic lifestyle. She has decades years of experience in supporting people getting in touch with their body-mind system to find more clarity and joy in their lives.

Trained in classical ballet, contemporary dance and various forms of hatha yoga, she also holds a degree in philosophy and literature.

Decades ago, while living in India, Ela fell in love with yoga under the guidance of yoga Master Indra Devi (from the Krishnamacharya tradition). She studied yoga in the Indian tradition and in Europe with renowned American teachers like Judith Lasater, Shiva Rea, John Friend, Rodney Yee and Sarah Powers, among others.

Using the tools of yoga practice, meditation, creative movement, dance, healthy lifestyle choices and tools from emotional therapy modalities, she guides people in reconnecting with themselves, discovering their dreams and mission in life and allowing realignment and harmony to manifest in their lives.

Veda Ela’s teaching has been continuously evolving, finally leading into the creation of her own style, merging the eastern and western traditions. She works according to the level of the students, mainly with a gentle yet powerful flow of asanas, yin & restorative yoga, breath awareness, meditation and self-inquiry, creating space to rest within moments of stillness and opening the door to Silence.

Veda Ela loves music and considers it essential in her daily life. “Music can change your mood, heal, and help transform your life” she says. Having previously worked as DJ, music remains an inspiring element in her yoga work. She brings passion, sincerity, and presence into her classes, workshops, and Yoga Teacher Trainings, imparting a sense of enthusiasm, curiosity, and acceptance towards the yoga practice. 

Ela lives and teaches in PachaMama. When not in PachaMama, she teaches in Argentina, Costa Rica, Holland, Belgium, and Spain.

Veda Ela is a Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher.

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